Sunday 23 February 2014


Welcome and hello!

Labradorcutie here with the latest Animal Jam news! Me and my crew that we created on Animal Jam for blogs (Labradorcutie, Armyrecute, Dragoncling, Panm, Subaruimpreza100, Hunterhuskie and Emeneim) have recently updated our blogs to make them better. But this, is the newest blog called Animal Jam Latest News. This blog's use has  clue in the name, Animal Jam LATEST NEWS. We hope you enjoy and if something is out of date and no longer is new, please jam-a-gram one of our crew (mainly dragoncling as she goes on every day) and tell us what it is. Enjoy!

From the crew,

Labradorcutie, Armyrecute, Dragoncling, Panm, Subaruimpreza100, Hunterhuskie and Emeneim